Company Profiles/Branding

The Company Profiles section of the tool will allow you to set up different company profiles in your account. If multiple company profiles have been set up, users will be able to select the company in step one of the guide building process.

  1. After logging in, click on your name in the top right corner.
  2. Click Company Profiles.
  1.  Click the “+ New Profile” button to add a new company profile.
  1. Add a profile name, upload a logo, and choose to make this your default company or not using the checkbox.
    • We recommend uploading a .png file for your logo that is no wider than 370 pixels wide.
  2. Click Save to create your new company profile.
  1. To edit a company profile, return to the company profile list and select the name of the company you want to edit.
Click the Register link in the menu bar to create a profile. Creating a profile allows you to track and maintain progress on course lessons you’ve started and completed.