Creating a Video-Friendly Environment

It is important to have everything in place before you begin. You want to limit distractions so the focus is on you, not what’s in your background. Follow these simple guidelines and you will have a proper recording space in no time.

  • Position your webcam so that when you sit, it is at eye-level.
  • Establish how you should adjust your lighting. Proper lighting is essential for good video quality. The background light should be the brightest in the room, and a simple desk lamp can be used as your main light source.
  • Turn on any available lights in the room, close all windows, and check to make sure there is no glare on your monitor.
  • We recommend not using your monitor as your only light source.
  • Be mindful of your background.
  • Position yourself in front of a wall with neutral colors; avoid patterns, wallpaper, and mirrors.
  • Turn off all appliances or devices that may create ambient noise.
  • Your recording space should be quiet and comfortable.
  • Allow ample time to answer each question in your chosen space – an hour should be sufficient.
  • Eliminate all possible distractions and interruptions. Turn off your cell phone and if you’re at home, make sure people in the vicinity know you are completing an interview.
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