Configuring Your on demand Interview

  1. After creating or selecting a requisition, you’ll be redirected to the Questions section of the req. From the Questions section you can configure your on demand interview.
  1. In the General Settings section, you can configure the overall settings for your interview. Choose to activate or deactivate the “Display question in advance” feature and the “Enable failover to voice” feature which will allow the candidate to only record a voice response if their hardware or internet connection do not meet interview requirements.
  1. Select the number of attempts allowed from the drop down list. This setting determines the number of attempts the candidate will have to record each question response. E.g. if two attempts are allowed the candidate will be able to re-record their answer one time if necessary.
  1. Set an expiration date.
    • Relative Expiration: A Relative Expiration will automatically set the expiration date for each candidate. Each candidate will have the number of days / hours you have set to complete their responses after their invitation has been sent.
    • Absolute Expiration: An Absolute Expiration forces all candidates to complete their responses by a specific date. This date will be presented to the candidate during the process.
    • Please note: the options may vary based on your account settings
  1. Choose reminder settings for the interview. Turn off or leave on email and SMS reminders (if available in your feature settings) using the “Turn OFF” or “Turn ON” buttons. If these settings are turned on, candidates will receive automated reminders to complete their on demand interview.
  1. Click the Welcome Message section to view Welcome Message settings. This setting is optional, if selected it will allow you to display a video or text message at the beginning of a candidate’s interview.
  1. Select a video or text message using the check boxes. If Video Message is selected, click the “Add Recording” button and follow the on-screen prompts to add a video message.
  1. If the Text Message check box is selected, type an welcome message to candidates in the text field. This message will be displayed at the beginning of the interview, and can include any of the tags in the Useful Tag section to auto-populate candidate or interview information.
  1. Click the Question Setup section to view the interview question settings.
  1. To add a question to the interview, hover over the “+” button and click on the type of response you’d like to receive from the candidate. For example, if you select “video response” the candidate will respond to the question with a video answer. If “voice response” is selected the candidate will response with an audio only answer, and if “written response” is selected the candidate will respond with a written answer.
  1. Type your question text into the question field(s).
    • Optional: As you type, you may notice existing questions populating in a window below the text field. Click on an auto-populated question to add an existing question from your question bank. Continue to type, or do not select a question to retain your custom question settings.
  1. Optional: click “Record” to record/upload a video of you or a colleague asking the question. This video will be displayed in the interview to simulate a face-to-face interview.
    • If you’ve chosen to record a question, follow the on screen prompts in the tool.
    • If you’ve chosen to not attach a video to the question, your candidates will presented with a text only question.
  1. Select a Prep Time from the drop down list. The Prep Time determines how long the candidate has to prepare to record their answer. At the end of a question being presented to a candidate, a countdown with the time you’ve chosen will begin. The candidate can choose to record at any time, or can wait for the countdown to finish which will prompt their response recording to begin.
  1. Choose a Time Limit for the question. This setting determines how long the candidate has to answer each question. The candidate may end their response at any time and will not have to fill up the full amount of time selected in this setting.
  1. Click the X button next to a question to delete the question from the interview.
  1. Repeat steps 10-14 to add more questions into your interview.
  1. Click the “Save All and Next” button to save your interview settings.

Note: Sensitive personal information including organization affiliations, age (other than for proof if hired), past alcohol or drug use, prior arrests, citizenship (other than for proof if hired), disability (unless related to performance of essential job functions), marital status/family information, personal information questions (i.e. appearance, home ownership, financial situation, etc.), race/national origin, religion, and gender or sexual orientation, are discouraged and/or illegal to include in an interview.

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