interviewstreamAPI Usage Guide


Integrate your interviewstream data into any hiring tool using interviewstreamAPI:

interviewstream integrates with many Applicant Tracking Systems in order to interview and evaluate candidates. However, not everyone uses one of our direct partner applications, which is why we’ve created interviewstreamAPI.

interviewstreamAPI lets you seamlessly integrate your interviewstream users, requisitions, interview templates, and candidate data into your hiring tools

The Basics

  1. Contact your Customer Success Manager to gain access to the API.
  2. We’ll provide a quick overview of the technical aspects of the API and work with your Technical team to configure the API to work with your current tools.
  3. Review our API documentation at:

Available Data Connections

interviewstream data categories available to integrate using the interviewstream API include:

  • Candidates
  • Companies
  • Interview Templates
  • Requisitions
  • Requisition Candidate Share Links
  • Requisition Candidates
  • Users
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