Adjusting Company-Wide Notification Settings

In this lesson we’ll walk through the process of adjusting your company-wide notification settings. Company-wide notification settings are the base notification settings that each new user will default to when their user account is created. Users will then have the option to adjust their individual profile notification settings.

  1. After logging in, select the Settings option in the bottom left corner of the page.
  1. Select the Company settings option.
  1. Click Notifications.
  1. Use the check and drop down boxes to adjust each setting, click Save to save changes to your notification settings:
  1. Interview Complete: This setting sends a notification to the candidate owner when a specific candidate has completed an on demand interview.
  2. Completed Interviews Summary: Sends a list of candidates who have completed an interview and is dictated by the corresponding dropdown box. If no new candidates have completed an interview, you will not receive a notification.
  3. Manager share link action: Notifies the recipient of a share link that they have new candidates to review.
  4. Candidate status reminder emails: Reminds the user to mark a candidate as hired or declined.
  5. Request Link: If you have created a connect interview using the “instant live” option, you will be asked to link the candidate in the interview with a requisition.
  6. New Candidate: This notification will be sent when a new candidate applies for your requisition using an application page.
  7. New Candidates Summary: Sends a list of candidates who have applied to your requisition and is dictated by the corresponding dropdown box. If no new candidates have applied, you will not receive a notification.
  8. Bounced Email: If activated, users will receive this notification email if they have invited a candidate using an invalid email address.
  9. New mention: Sends a notification whenever a candidate sends a message using the messaging tool in an on demand interview.
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